Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Specialist M.C. Duncan

Specialist M.C. Duncan is the second of our incentive models that will be available in the coming months (the first being Captain Finch) and is the first peek at one of the four sentient alien species with which humans have come in contact within the "Terminus Gate" game setting.

The gruumor bull known to his friends and enemies as Specialist Duncan is a brute of a specimen that leaves a lasting impression on everyone he meets. Duncan works throughout the outlying systems as a ships mechanic and field technician.  Duncan owns a small shipyard/space station and several maintenance barges that are decked out and equipped for deep space repair and towing.  His shipyard monitors interstellar communications for distress signals that could mean lucrative repair work.  Duncan’s organization is also known as the largest trafficker in illegally obtained ship parts in the universe.  Off the books, Duncan maintains hundreds of chop shops where they strip boosted ships in a few hours, selling the stolen parts as fast as they obtain them.

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