Saturday, March 9, 2013


We wanted to give a little insight into one of the alien races that will be appearing in the Terminus Gate rulebook.  You will be able to have one as a member of your crew but players will not be able to field an entire crew of aliens...yet.


Thorim are physically sturdy and tough, with a heavy chitinous shell covering most of the body. They are shorter and broader than the most humans, averaging 3’6” to 4’6” tall and typically weighing close to 400 lbs. Males and females can most easily be distinguished by the larger right hand possessed by the males which is used for ritualized mating combat. Depending on the societal role that the individual Thorim is filling, one might see a variety of genetically engineered adaptations among them, especially in those encountered off-planet (mainly for communicating with outsiders and existing within the standard atmospheric conditions of a spacecraft).

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